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19878 - José Luis Rivas Pérez

Jose Luis is full time faculty at ITAM. He was also adjunct faculty at Tulane University in the US. With 17 years of full time work experience he held various senior management positions at Inverlat securities and at Grupo ADO where he was a member of its board of directors for 8 years. He holds a PhD in Business from IE Business school in Madrid, an MBA from Northwestern University and a Bachelors in Business from Anahuac University. His main research topics are boards of directors, initial public offerings (IPOs) and firm internationalization.

160600 - Alexandros Fakos

Alex is an assistant professor at ITAM since 2015 where he teaches courses on business strategy. He has a bachelor and a master’s degree from Athens University of Economics and Business in Greece and a PhD in Economics from the Pennsylvania State University. His research focuses on empirically studying the responses of firms to changes due to government policy or macroeconomic shocks with a particular emphasis on the analysis of firm dynamics.

48325 - Carlos González Hernández

When organizations cross borders, it is not uncommon for them to experience all sorts of trouble. My great passion is to contribute to our understanding of the challenges and opportunities that firm internationalization has to offer. My educational background includes a B.A. in Business Administration from ITAM, an M.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration from the Norwegian School of Economics, an M.Sc. in International Management from the CEMS global alliance of business schools, and a Ph.D. in Strategy and Management from the University of St. Gallen.

103721 - Claudia González Brambila

Full time professor - researcher

Currently she is professor and researcher of the Business School. She has a bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering from UAM.Azcapotzalco, a master’s degree in Engineering from UNAM, and a PhD in Engineering and Public Policy with an specialization in Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Technological Change from Carnegie Mellon University in USA.

144534 - Ana Micaela Alterio

ANA MICAELA ALTERIO. PhD in Advanced Studies in Human Rights by Carlos III de Madrid University. Her thesis: ‘‘A democratic critique to neo-constitutionalism and its political and institutional implications” granted her the extraordinary doctorate award. She got her lawyer degree in the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina. In the same province she was the Human Rights Coordinator until 2007, when she got the MAEC-AECI scholarship and went to Spain for her postgraduate studies.

176823 - Rodrigo Camarena González

Rodrigo joined the law faculty of ITAM in 2017 where he currently teaches the unit of Constitutional Law II to undergraduates. He holds a LL.B from the University of Guadalajara, a Master of Jurisprudence from the University of Sydney and a Ph.D. in Law from Macquarie University. He has published papers in specialized journals such as Transnational Legal Theory, Letras Jurídicas or Mexican Law Review. His research focuses on the theory of precedent and comparative constitutional law, mainly legal transplants.

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