Dr. Moncayo is Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations at ITAM and member of the National System of Researchers of CONACyT. The University of Exeter (UK) awarded him a PhD in Engineering. His research focuses on the development of optimization techniques (operations research) to improve manufacturing and logistics systems, as well as the application of data analytics in these systems.
In his professional experience, he has developed several projects which involve process improvements for companies in the automotive cluster of north-eastern Mexico and for retailers companies. In these projects, he has applied tools of inventory theory, simulation and mathematical programming and some have been financed by CONACyT.
His current research focuses on the large-scale optimization of logistics and manufacturing systems using new optimization techniques (meta-heuristics) and Operational Research. The results of his research have been published in refereed scientific journals and he has participated in several international congresses. Your relevant publications can be found at http://luismoncayo.net.
He belongs to the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) of the United States and the Mexican Society of Operations Research (SMIO). In addition, he works in the research group of the Exeter Manufacturing Enterprise Centre of the University of Exeter as well as the research group in Evolutionary Computing of the Carlos III University of Madrid.
His doctoral studies were financed by CONACyT and his master’s degree by the ANUIES - SUPERA program.