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Carlos Bosch Giral studied Mathematics as an undergraduate at the National Autonomous University (UNAM) in Mexico City. He then went on to obtain a D.E.A (Diplome d’études approfondis) and PH.D. (Doctorat de 3éme cycle) in Mathematics  at the Université Claude Bernard, Lyon I in France.

After working at UNAM (Instituto de Matemáticas)  for a few years(15), in 1991 he became a full time member of ITAM’s faculty. In 2014 he was named Chairman of the Mathematics’ Department, where he supervised a major overhaul in the Mathematics curriculum, mainly for Mathematics, Economics and Law Majors.

Carlos Bosch has been in the Mexican Research System (S.N.I.)since  1985 and is now in the top category. He has published more than 40 scientific research papers in the areas of Functional Analysis, Mathematical Analysis, Optimization, Geometry and Education. He has been invited as a visiting scholar to Washington State University(USA) , New Mexico State University (USA), Instituto Jorge Juan de Matemáticas del Consejo Superior de Investigaciónes Científicas( Spain), among others.

He was the founder of the Mexican Mathematical Olympiads (high school students) and the Mathematical Competitions (Concurso de Primavera and Concurso Cotorra de Matemáticas, for students less than 15 years old) through the Mexican Academy of Sciences. He is actually the director of the Mathematical Competitions with more than half a million participants in 2016.  

He is also the founder of La Ciencia en tu Escuela, a program of the Mexican Academy of Sciences,  to train and update teachers in STEM with the IBSE  methodology. 

Carlos Bosch Giral has also written several books for the Mexican School System and for the University. He has also published several papers and books on popularization of mathematics

He has received several awards and distinctions one of them, in 2008, was the “TWAS Regional Prizes for Development of Educational Material and School Science”.

Carlos Bosch is the Co-chair of Interamerican Network of Academies of Sciences education program  and was the chairman of The Scientific Planning Group on Mathematics Education for International Council for Sciences(ICSU- Rolac).

Profesor Emeritus of Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México.  

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Carlos Bosch
Academic Studies
BS in Mathematics, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
PhD in Mathematics, Université Claude Bernard de Lyon, France
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